Profile pic

Keran Olsen

Oslo, Norway
Preferred genres

Raw TechnoHardgrooveHypnotic TechnoDetroit Techno

Played at

TheVillaRockefellerHausmaniaStorgata 26Ingensteds/IndigoDog yard/CalifornebuOstaraDattera til HagenForest ravesPakkhuset



Preffered performance time

+/-60 - 360 min

Keran鈥檚 talent behind the decks as well as ability to read the audience is rooted in years of experience as a showman and DJ. Consistently delivering playful sets that keeps the crowd moving. He is also a resident DJ with SBB and Portal whilst also hosting own events. He favours fast paced techno but effortlessly switches rhythms creating a captivating soundscape with drive and variety. Mixing between Detroit, dub, hypnotic, raw, and hard groove to mention a few. His style is tribalistic in its essence & hedonistic at its core.